Business owner managing their finances

Manage and grow my business

Business owner managing their finances

Here’s an overview of some products, tools, services and tips that can help with managing and growing your business. These include business accounts, Internet Banking and online tools. In addition, we offer personal service, to guide and assist you, and to help you set up accounts and loans. Just remember, whenever you need a hand, we’re here for you.

Day to day banking

  • Get the basics sorted with a business transaction account and Visa Debit card for daily payments.
  • Our Business Online Banking can help with all of your day-to-day processes including salary payments, periodic payments, BPAY for paying bills, domestic and international transfers.
  • Find out more about our Business Accounts 


Check your requirements

There are some key legal items it’s really important to stay on top of:

  • Ensure all legal requirements are up to date including ABN requirements, licencing, trademarks and copyrights.
  • Ensure you’re fully up to date with your taxes.

Business health check


Making sure your business stays in good health is a matter of forward planning. It’s important to be constantly assessing your finances and checking that your plans are working for you. Monitor performance and cash flow, reassess and optimise where possible. Our savings calculator can be helpful with this. 

Savings Calculator

Set new goals and track your progress

To give yourself the best chance for success, match your ambitions to a clear plan. Regular tracking and assessment is key – including assessing your business against the market.

If you’re thinking of expanding your business, specifically assess your finances and capability to manage the change. Some things to consider include investing in a Term Deposit or potentially getting a loan.

Another key element to consider is your business strategy. Do you have the right marketing plan? Is it time to try something new? These are important questions to ask yourself on a regular basis.


You may also like

Business Online Banking

Manage your business accounts and payments 24/7 via Business Internet Banking.

Business Loans & Overdrafts

Grow your business with an overdraft or flexible business loan .

Business Term Deposit

Make the most of funds you aren’t using right now with a Business Term Deposit.

Visa Debit Card

Shop with confidence using our Visa Debit card worldwide, in-store or online.

We're here to help

Our Corporate and Institutional Bankers are on hand to help when you need it.

Secure message via Internet Banking

Talk to one of our friendly staff Mon - Fri, 9am–5pm AEST (Excluding Public Holidays). Call 13 95 00

This page is designed to provide general information of an educational nature only. Information provided is of generic nature and does not take into account any specific individual needs, nor do the contents of this page constitute to any legal of financial advice. You should consider the appropriateness to your circumstances before acting on any information provided.